Sunday, May 10, 2009

Through Depths of Twilight

And the past it will decay, so sing goodbye to yesterday

One month ago today I arrived in Ukraine. Has it really been that long?

I really wish that I had the ability to neatly summarize the events of the last 30 days into something that would be both humorous as well as informative. But I just don't have the words. They should have sent a poet.

I'm still trying to figure things out, to find out my place in this country and with the ministry that is going on. There are times where I feel as though I am in way over my head, where I am overwhelmed by the sheer volume of things that I don't know. There are times when I feel lost, without a direction, when I'm sitting in my apartment just trying to think of somewhere to go or something to do. I can easily find myself discouraged, and losing my passion.

But in all sincerity, I find those moments dominated in my mind by a very strong confirmation and sense of purpose. No matter how down on myself I can get, I know that this is where I am supposed to be. I may not know why yet, and I certainly don't know what the next 2 years will look like, but He does. When I remember that, it's hard to feel anything but gratitude for this amazing opportunity. I am so thankful to be here.

I had and still intend for this blog to be a little bit more informative as to what I actually do over here, and with a little effort, it will be. Remember me in your prayers. And pray for the people of Ukraine.

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